Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter to Parents about Bully Free Beverly Initiative

This letter to parents is part of a packet sent to local schools this past week.  Read this and the following 2 posts to get a comprehensive idea of the "I am an Upstander" Bully Free Beverly 2013 Initiative.  Please visit our website to more resources to deal with bullying: http://beverlytherapists.com/bully.htm

"October 2013
Dear Parents,

Enclosed please find an activity your child completed at school in collaboration with our Bully Free Beverly community wide initiative.

October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.  Bullying is a societal problem that we wish did not exist.  However, unfortunately, it does exist in both child centered and adult environments as a way that certain individuals look to have their power needs met at someone else’s expense. 

The Bully Free Beverly Initiative was first created by the Blossom Boys, and now we (a team of therapists at Beverly Therapists) are carrying this important idea forward.  Our hope is to educate the community about the basics of bullying dynamics so when situations come up, children and adults will be able to get help.  If you have current concerns about bullying, please reach out to us – we want to help – see our contact information at the end of this letter.

With our current initiative, “I AM AN UPSTANDER”, we are also trying to create a proactive and positive awareness and response at the very roots of bullying – when it occurs.  “Upstander” is a new term that refers to a compassionate, assertive bystander who “takes a stand to help” in the face of unjust, mean behavior.  We have confidence that most bystanders in bullying situations are compassionate and want to act when unjust situations occur. We asked teachers to talk to local students about bullying and upstanding.  We hope you will also talk with your child at home.  We hope this will help your child know they can talk to you if a difficult situation presents, and that you can talk together about positive, empowered ways to help and advocate for oneself and on behalf of others. Acts of upstanding include:

·         interrupting the bully from picking on a target
·         showing kindness and friendship for the person getting picked on
·         telling adults who can and will help
·         showing respect in words and actions

We want all children to feel safe and respected.  Please emphasize to your child that if a situation looks or feels out of control or dangerous, he/she should get adult help immediately and not intervene on his/her own.  For more information on bullying and what you and your child can do in bullying situations visit www.stopbulling.gov and visit our website page at www.BeverlyTherapists.com .

We hope you and your child will help us with our goal of increasing bullying awareness and positive reminders of upstanding on the community level.  Hang the picture in a prominent place at home, as a way to remind that your home is a “BULLY FREE ZONE”.  Also, please submit a color copy, or email us a scanned image of your child’s “I AM AN UPSTANDER” picture.  With your permission, we hope to make some posters to hang around the community and to post all submissions (one a day) on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BullyFreeBeverly.  Please like our page, and stay connected!

Mail/drop off (simply slip through our mail slot!) submissions to:
Lisa Catania, LCSW
Beverly Therapists
10725 South Western, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60643.
Or email images saved as a .pdf, .ai, .psd or .jpeg to Beverly-therapists@comcast.net .

Include your permission to use the picture for poster and/or Facebook use, and let us know if your child would like his/her name to be included, or to be anonymous.

Thank you for your consideration in supporting this initiative. 
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
(Margaret Mead)

With gratitude and peace,
The Bully Free Beverly Team @
Beverly Therapists
10725 South Western, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL  60643
Email:  Beverly-therapists@comcast.net

Lisa Catania, LCSW                                  Jennifer Lara, LCPC                                Michelle Wood, LCSW
773-719-1751                                            773-251-8016                                         773-307-8365"